Signs and Characteristics of a Bad Mattress

Signs and Characteristics of a Bad Mattress

Getting good sleep is necessary for a great life because it impacts essential aspects of your health and well-being. A night of good sleep will help you function better and stay active the next day.

When you’re sleep-deprived, you won’t be able to function correctly, and it may affect your mood. One of the factors that affect great sleep is having a comfortable mattress.

Your mattress should bring the comfort and support you need when sleeping. If the mattress you have right now fails to give you the comfortable feeling you want, then it may be time to get a new one on your next payday.

The mattress’s durability and lifespan are determined by its construction and how you use it. Some mattresses hold longer before they turn saggy or show some indentations.

If the mattress already showed a deep notch, it only means that it will no longer provide good spinal support for you.

There are more signs that indicate you have a bad mattress, and recognizing them will help you avoid the unpleasant feeling and some negative side effects that come with sleeping on it.

Signs of a Bad Mattress

Some signs are not that obvious, but if you’re experiencing some of them, it may indicate that your mattress isn’t as good as it is.

1. Aches and Pains

If you wake up in the morning and you have nagging neck pain or backache, it may not be because of your age but because your mattress’s comfort layers have broken down and caused pressure points on your body.

If already have back pain, your mattress will make things worse for your condition. This is because there’s a lack of support, and this will cause spine misalignment.

2. Poor Sleep and Waking up Tired

You may get that eight-hour sleep perfectly but still feel tired and sleepy. You can blame it on your bad mattress.

You might unconsciously be tossing on your bed, trying to find the right position to sleep and end up waking up multiple times at night. Your mattress may be showing the end of its life.

3. Sagging

Your mattress will start to sag over time if you have been using it for a decade or so. Permanent body indentations in your mattress mean you should buy a new one.

4. Creaks and Squeaks

If you don’t see an obvious sign of a bad mattress, you might be able to hear it. If you hear a squeaking or a creaking sound when you lay down, it only indicates that your mattress is no longer supporting your spine.

Squeaks and creaks at night will cause you to keep awake at night, and you may wake up tired or in a very foul mood.

5. Excessive Heat

The materials used in the mattress can affect its temperature. A mattress with coil support tends to be cooler than a foam mattress because it traps the heat due to its solid construction.

Some manufacturers use gel infusion to help reduce the heat, but it will wear out and lead to uncomfortable warm sleep over time. The comfort layers of your mattress will also become softer, which will make you sink further and will lessen the airflow around its body.

6. Dust Mites

If you have allergies and you start sneezing or having itchy eyes, it could be caused by dust mites in your bed you could be allergic to. The innerspring of the mattress is most likely to harbor dust mites.

Using a mattress protector or vacuuming your mattress will help to keep out the dust mites. Unless you want to deal with pest infestations, you should call pest services right away.

Or regularly get cleaning services to avoid the presence of dust mites altogether.

7. Mattress Age

Some mattresses have a longer lifespan, while some don’t. You may have been using yours for a long time, and it’s time to check if you should replace it.

Mattresses will eventually lose their ability to support and relieve, so it may be time to replace them.

The average lifespan for a mattress is typically ten years. Here are the usual lifespans of different mattress types:

  • Memory Foam: 10 years
  • Innerspring: 7–8 years
  • Air Mattress: 5 years
  • Waterbed: 7–9 years
  • Hybrid: 6 years

In addition, improper care and a shaky foundation will reduce the mattress’s lifespan.

Health Problems That Bad Mattresses Can Cause

A bad mattress can cause poor sleep quality. Discomfort, difficulty falling asleep, and waking up at night because of a bad mattress can affect your physical and mental health.

Based on significant research, poor sleep is linked to neurological issues like a decrease in your cognitive abilities. You may want to visit a neurologist if this is the case.

You may also feel joint soreness. Too much pressure on your shoulders and arms because your mattress can no longer provide spinal support can cause your joint to feel sore in the morning.

You may seek relief with the help of physiotherapists or another professional. However, you should replace your mattress immediately so symptoms don’t worsen.

Lastly, you may experience cardiac conditions. Not getting a proper eight-hour of sleep every night can cause negative effects on your cardiac health.

Short sleepers may have a higher risk of developing heart disease due to lifestyle factors.

How Do You Improve Your Mattress?

A bad mattress could lead to serious health problems, so it is necessary to deal with it as early as possible.

Buying a new one is a major expense, but it’s worth improving your sleep quality for. Investing in a new high-quality type of mattress is worth it if you can use it in the long term, giving you a comfortable sleep.

Here are recommended ways you can improve your sleep without buying a new mattress:

  • Try not to sleep on the same spot every night to avoid leaving a lasting impression.
  • Rotating your mattress every three to six months will also help to prevent sagging.
  • Using a mattress topper is also recommended to help improve your mattress if it’s too soft or too firm.
  • Putting more pillows for more support will also help compensate for an uncomfortable mattress.
  • You should also check the bed frame to ensure that the problem is not just only coming from the mattress.

Most life coaches will tell you that your sleep pattern is highly connected to your quality of life. This affects all your cognitive functions that are responsible for your focus, memory, concentration, and even productivity.

So it’s vital to get proper sleep by having the right mattress. After all, a healthy sleep pattern should also be part o your self-care routine, as getting sufficient rest is essential.

You may also visit a chiropractor to seek proper advice in getting the right mattress for you. They may also provide you the relief you seek from any body aches and pain you feel.

Eventually, the lifespan of your mattress will come to its end, so investing in a new one will come soon. Just make sure to invest in a high-quality mattress that will support your body type and your unique sleeping position.