What to Know About Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular varieties of plastic surgery. It’s valuable for patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose or have trouble breathing.
During this procedure, expect your surgeon to create incisions to access the nasal structure and alter your skin, cartilage, and bone accordingly. Rhinoplasty can be performed to change the size, shape, or angle of your nose and alleviate medical issues such as sinus and breathing problems.
In this article, we’ll be diving into everything you should know about rhinoplasty.
Reasons to Get Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, otherwise known as a nose job, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery and body contouring procedures around. This surgery involves reshaping the nose to improve its function and form.
Rhinoplasty can be done purely for cosmetic purposes or as part of reconstructive surgery following an accident or injury. People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose.
Even the smallest of changes to your nose can make a huge difference to your overall appearance and correct breathing problems you may have been experiencing.
Before pushing through with the procedure, your surgeon will assess your facial features, the skin around your nose, and your desired result. If you pass the assessment, your surgeon should have a customized plan tailored for you.
Insurance may cover some or the entire procedure if, for example, it was done to straighten your nose to improve breathing.
Risks of Rhinoplasty
If you’re looking to get a more aesthetically pleasing look, correcting your nose can help immensely. Rhinoplasty can certainly give you the face and image you’ve always wanted, giving you a better overall self-confidence.
However, it’s important to remember the risks with this cosmetic procedure. Be sure to take all precautions as instructed by your surgeon prior to and after your surgery.
These risks may include infection, breathing difficulties, numbness in the nose area, asymmetrical nose, bad reaction, and scars.
On the chance you’re not satisfied with the results, wait until your nose is fully healed before opting for another surgery. This could take about a year.
How to Prepare for Rhinoplasty
If you’re considering rhinoplasty, the first step is to meet with a surgeon to discuss whether you’re a good candidate for the surgery. Make sure you choose a surgeon who specializes in facial procedures and has experience performing rhinoplasty.
Your doctor might recommend someone she knows, or you can ask friends who’ve had plastic surgery for recommendations. During this appointment, your surgeon will ask your motivation behind rhinoplasty and what you hope to accomplish by having it.
Certain medical conditions make someone a poor candidate for elective surgery. If you have hemophilia, a disorder that causes excessive bleeding, your surgeon might not recommend rhinoplasty.
This is because excessive bleeding can occur with any kind of invasive procedure.
Your surgeon will also need to conduct a physical exam before you decide on rhinoplasty. During this exam, your surgeon will examine the skin on both the inside and outside of your nose.
Your surgeon will use this information to determine what changes they can make during the surgery.
Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure that’s usually done in a hospital, doctor’s office, or outpatient surgical facility. Your rhinoplasty surgeon will give you either local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or both.
The type of anesthesia used depends on the complexity of your procedure and other factors such as your age and health.
Local anesthesia is given to numb only the surgery area. You may also receive medication through an IV line that makes you groggy but not unconscious.
General anesthesia knocks you out during the procedure. It’s often given to children undergoing rhinoplasty.
Ask your doctor which type of anesthesia they recommend for your rhinoplasty procedure. Rhinoplasty is a fairly straightforward procedure, but it’s still important to know what’s going on in your body.
Surgeons typically cut either between or inside your nostrils to begin reshaping your nose. But before they can do any cutting, they have to separate the skin of your nose from either the cartilage or bone underneath.
Once they’ve done this and assess the state of your nose, they’ll begin reshaping it. If your new nose needs more cartilage, they may remove some from your ear or inside your nose.
If you need more than that, you might get an implant or bone graft. Rhinoplasty typically lasts one to two hours if not complex.
If you plan to get a rhinoplasty procedure anytime soon, be sure to visit your nearest clinic to book an appointment. Most importantly, ensure that you have the right plastic surgeon for you to achieve your desired results.
Whether for medical or aesthetic purposes, getting this procedure is definitely something you can do on your next payday. As long as you want it and your motivation behind getting it is adequate, you should go for it.
Don’t forget to bring your health insurance with you, in case it covers your treatment.
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