Different Types of Fat and How to Lose Them

Different Types of Fat and How to Lose Them

Everyone has a different body shape. This means that everyone will also have different methods for toning their body shape.

We all have fat, whether we like it or not. Fat actually gives you adequate energy, protects your organs, and supports cell growth and other functions. Without fat in your body, you deprive your body of its nutrients to be healthy.

If you want to lose fat, it should be with the perfect balance of exercise and diet, and you can try suitable cosmetic procedures too. With all this being said, we’ll be diving into the different types of fat and how you can lose them.

1. Fluffy Fat

Fluffy fat is soft and jiggles easily. This is otherwise known as subcutaneous fat, which often forms below the skin and above the muscle.

It’s usually found on women’s stomachs, thighs, hips, and back of the arms. This type of fat is responsible for warmth, protection, and energy reserve.

For this type of fat, the ideal cosmetic procedure is laser liposuction. This is because the process of laser liposuction involves a laser liquifying the fat before it’s suctioned out.

As a result, it’s easier to remove that layer of fat.

However, you must know that this doesn’t permanently keep the area flat. Fat cells may not increase in that area after the procedure, but the remaining fat cells could expand.

The best way to lose your fluffy fat through exercise with your personal trainer is High-Intensity Interval Training. This is a type of cardio routine that only provides short breaks in between each exercise.

You can go for 40-seconds on and 10-seconds off for each exercise. For instance, some great exercises to include are burpees, jumping squats, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks.

2. Fibrous Fat

Fibrous fat is basically a more stubborn version of fat and forms set-in rolls. It’s more rigid and tougher to lose, so you can’t pinch this type of fat like fluffy fat.

Fibrous fat results from subcutaneous fat secreting fibers, often after weight gain and obesity. Various factors, such as fit clothing, cause fibrous fat, but your fat can be fibrous even before then.

Most importantly, it’s more challenging to remove since the fibers that form around and between the fat cells hold it in place. This makes it harder for your body to use it for energy.

Similar to fluffy fat, laser liposuction is the most straightforward way to remove this fat. Since the laser will release the fibrous fibers, any fat you form in the target area after the procedure will be fluffy fat, which is easier to lose.

For non-surgical options, Coolsculpting is ideal. Since this fat accumulates in rolls, Coolsculpting’s contour applicator will eliminate the fat from all angles.

It’s safe and non-invasive, making you lose this fat without going under the knife.

3. Cellulite

Based on a study, approximately 80% to 90% of women have cellulite. This occurs when fat gets trapped in the bottom layers of your skin.

Cellulite also becomes worse as you age since your skin also becomes thinner. However, do note that the appearance of cellulite has more to do with hormones and genetics than aging.

Exercise can reduce some of the visible cellulite on your skin, but it can’t eliminate it completely. You can make it less evident on your skin through a combination of diet and exercise.

For surgical options, you can go for Cellulaze. This is a revolutionary treatment for three types of cellulite: flaccid cellulite, hard cellulite, and edematous cellulite.

So you can easily target whatever cellulite you may have with this treatment. Cellulaze involves a laser thickening and tightening the skin, releasing the fibers, and melting fat bulges trapped in the skin.

4. Firm fat

Firm fat is different from other types of fat mentioned above. Otherwise known as visceral fat, firm fat is located behind a thick muscle wall.

This type of fat is firm and isn’t soft or pinchable. You may also find firm fat surrounding your vital organs, such as your liver and intestines.

You can only eliminate visceral fat with exercise or diet. There are currently no cosmetic tools that can target this type of fat.

Also, whatever lifestyle changes you make will respond faster to this type of fat. For instance, healthy sleep patterns, exercise, a balanced diet, and consistency are all factors that can reduce or eliminate visceral fat.

Be sure to consult a professional first before pushing through with any procedure.

As much as you want to get cosmetic procedures at your nearest aesthetic clinic, it can be harmful if you currently have a medical condition. For instance, your neurologist wouldn’t recommend you for the procedure if you have nerve damage.

Whether it’s a surgical or non-surgical position, it’s still best to only get treatments if you’re at optimal health. However, if it’s the best course of action for you and you’re healthy, feel free to get a cosmetic procedure as part of your self-care routine.

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